Callencos Shows !

Results and some critiques below the show photos.

Photos by Pernilla, kennel Purpose.
Zinja, Viruz, Bissie, Pascha, Sibelle, Soya and Greco at the Breed Special 2009.09.13 Best In Show-2 Intermediate 2009.09.12. Judge Mr Pietro Bottagisio, Italy
Best In Show Baby 2008.04.05

Best In Show-2 Junior 2008.09.14


2010.06.05 Swedish Breed Specialty - The Belgian Weekend -  Stockholm.
Amanda McLaren, England
Very good  
2010.06.05 Danish Breed Specialty, Silkeborg
Judge: Cathy Bond, England
Excellent, 3:rd in open

Participated in the Breeders Group of kennel vom Johannisbach and came 2:nd
This group are very similar in type, they have the same expressions and the same shapes. The females of the group are extremely similar and the male also resembles the females in the way he shows.

2010.06.05 World Winner in Herning, Denmark
Judge: Gert Christensen, Denmark
Very good  
2010.06.05 Swedish Breed Specialty, Velamsund
Judge: Laura Vassallo, Italy
Very good, 4:th in open  
2010.05.13 Swedish Breed Specialty, Ivö
Judge: Keith Baldwin, England
Excellent, 1:st in open, 4:th best female, BOS-open  
2009.09.26. Finnish kennel Club, Eckerö. Judge: Mrs AnneMarie Maeland, Sweden. Excellent, 1:st in intermediate, 2:nd best female, CAC, R-CACIB
Good size and proportions. Beautiful stature. Good skull and nose. Well formed dark eyes with beautiful expression. Good ears. Noble neck, tight back, a little steep in croup. A bit steep in shoulder. Well angulated behind. Excellent movements, stable in front. Good coat condition.
2009.09.12 Swedish Breed Specialty - Stockholm.
Judge: Pietro Bottagisio, Italy

Mr Bottagisio making funny faces after the show =)

1:st prize, 1:st in intermediate, Excellent, 4:th best female, BOB-intermediate, BIS-2 intermediate
22 months. Compl scissor bite. Lovely female of excellent size. Very feminine with a sweet expression. Head planes parallel. Slight stop. Straight muzzle. A little bit full in skull. Dark eyes, expressive. Excellent chiselling. Excellent pigmentations, lacks in underjaw. Good reach of neck. Excellent topline. Sloping croup. Good depth of chest. Well balanced angulations. Excellent bone and feet. Moves close behind. Little bit out at the elbow. Smooth movement.
2009.08.01 Swedish Breed Specialty - The Belgian Weekend -  Stockholm.
Judge: Dirk Spruyt, Belgium
1:st prize, 1:st in intermediate, Exellent, 4:th best female  
2009.05.21 Swedish Breed Specialty, Ivö
Judge: Mrs Mary Grove, England
1:st prize, not placed, Honor prize.  
2009.04.10 Swedish Kennel Club, Stockholm.

Judge: Mr Jesper Andersson, Sweden
1:st prize, 2:nd in intermediate, Excellent, 3:rd best female  
2008.12.07 Swedish Kennel Club, Stockholm.

Judge: Mr Sonny Ström, Sweden
1:st prize, 2:nd in junior, Honor prize  
2008.11.01 Swedish Breed Specialty, Velamsund
Judge: Mrs Bente Harlem, Norway
1:st prize, 2:nd in junior, Excellent  
2008.09.14 Eskilstuna, Working Club.
Judge: Mrs Harriet Franzén, Sweden
Excellent, BOB-junior, BOS,
BIS-2 junior
2008.06.07 Odense, Denmark. Breed Specialty.
Judge: Mme Beenen-Sluyters, Holland
BOB puppy, BIS puppy
2008.04.05 Silkeborg, Denmark. Breed Specialty.
Judge: Mme Willemine van Deijl, Holland
BOB baby, BIS baby
5 months, excellent type, complete scissorbite, good size, short body, expressive head, dark eyes, well carried ears, well formed head with good lines, good neck and topline, good croup, well angulated in the rear, steep in front, excellent attitude, nice carriage of head, moves well with good tail carriage